Uпiversity of Texas Stυdeпt Kпeeliпg Dυriпg Natioпal Aпthem Immediately Expelled From School

In a recent controversial incident at the University of Texas, a student was immediately expelled after performing an act of kneeling during the national anthem. This incident has attracted great attention from the community and the media, causing mixed reactions from both students and lecturers.


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This student, who knelt while everyone stands and shows respect to the national anthem, said his actions were to protest social injustice and issues related to the rights of the black people. . The act of kneeling in sports events, especially while singing the national anthem, has become a symbol in the struggle against racism, after NFL Colin Kaepernick initiated a few years ago.

However, the decision of Texas University, immediately chasing this student, made many people angry. Some argue that this is a form of suppression of freedom of speech and protest, while others think that action is not suitable for the values ​​and principles of the school. The leaders of the University of Texas explained that this decision was made to maintain respect for the nation and the values ​​of the community.

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This incident has highlighted a greater issue related to personal freedom and respect for national symbols in the school environment. Does students have the right to express personal views even if this can be controversial, or whether educational institutions need to have a limit to protect common values?

Reactions from the social community, including students and lecturers, will continue to take place in the near future, when this incident is debated and reviewed. This will certainly continue to be a topic of division, not only in the academic community but also in a broader society.

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